4 Ways Your Business Can Try AI Immediately

4 Ways Your Business Can Try AI Immediately


A few days back, when we decided to expand our AI service portfolio, the first thing what we got done was a series of market researches. The researches were mainly about how businesses can kick-start their AI journey. Our R&D team took care of this intensive market research task. The research revealed some amazing ideas and that here we will be talking about for the next few minutes. In fact, the ideas were not intended to burden businesses with heavy cost or any specialized resource needs. Let’s see now what exactly the story was:

How Businesses can Use AI Immediately?

1.Automated Reasoning – Uber

If you’re in the passenger side, probably you may not have come across Uber’s this AI powered feature. Being powered by AI, the Uber Driver App analyzes the traffic conditions based on the experience of drivers who have just come across particular routes. So it can recommend the drivers the best route, who have to travel in the same route, so they can take passengers to the destination as early as possible. Here the algorithm is well capable to understand traffic congestion and other climatic conditions and compare it to all the adjoining routes and recommend the best.

2.Purchase Predictions – Amazon

Online retailers are always front-runners in adopting technologies that are fresh and futuristic. Amazon and Flipkart are the best examples we can say about here. The technology called Anticipatory Shipping lets Amazon accurately predict user purchase behaviour, so it can recommend them items before they decide to purchase. For example, this AI powered technology intelligently recommends masala powder and other household items that are about to expire (in terms of quantity). The technology does everything here with access to the customers’ purchase history.

3. Chatbots

How Businesses can Use AI Immediately

Chatbots are already a big trend. You may remember an announcement made by the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg last year April, where he said “now businesses are able to deploy their chatbots on Messenger platform”. Continuing it, he said “leveraging it, businesses can improve customer experience, reduce costs and bring agility to their customer support process. This is absolutely right. Chatbots deployed on Messenger, Slack, Skype, Telegram, website or integrated into mobile applications offer the same set of benefits for forward-thinking businesses. Chatbots communicate with real users in solving their queries on particular product or to make product recommendations.

Here what makes interesting is chatbots’ ability to process data and give results 10x faster. We agree, still chatbots have to grow a lot to embrace the intelligence of a man. But the advancements in natural language processing are making the things rapidly better. When it comes to some fine qualities of chatbots, they can connect and communicate with multiple people at the same time, can research and provide results in lightning speed, and put a smile on the customers’ face by adding humour to its conversation. Taco Bot by Taco Bell and a chatbot by clothing retailer H&M do exactly the same.

Chatbots deployed on the websites can comprehend customer requirements, process it as filtered requirement data and pass it to the concerned department. In fact, chatbots work round the clock, without being affected by any fatigue, boredom or illness. Don’t you think it as amazing.

4.Business Assistants

You know how Siri, Google Assistant, Cortana and recently launched Bixby work, nearly all work in the same manner. But they work as a personal assistant, in helping an individual to manage his day-to-day tasks. Business assistants, also called virtual assistants, work in the same manner, but in the business environment. Employees (every level) can use business assistants to schedule meeting, and fetch the information in a fraction of second that is required to handle operational tasks.

The Bottom Line:

AI era has already begun. Now the ball in the court of forward-thinking businesses. They require it to use strategically in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Most importantly their most important need is to find the best AI services company, so they can easily drive their path. If you’re one of them, there is no better time than today to think about AI and become an AI champ.

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FuGenX Technologies is a leading mobile app and game development company in India, delivering quality-driven mobility services across the world. We have been crowned with many global technology awards, including the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 Asia Pacific & Fast 50 India, for pioneering high-quality products and ideas in the mobile space.